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YLB Salon Shrewsbury Eyelash Extensions


YLB Salon Shrewsbury


Jalupro Anti Wrinkle Treatment | YLB Salon Shrewsbury



JaluPro is a dermal bio-revitaliser, meaning it improves skin texture; reducing the appearance of wrinkles and diminishing the signs of ageing. It can be used on the face as well as the body, so is perfect for revitalising tell tale aging areas such as the neck, chest and hands. JaluPro is also gentle enough to be used around the eyes. With JaluPro you pay per whole vial meaning the whole face (or multiple areas) can be done all for the same cost. As Jalupro isn’t a toxin so there is no risk of the frozen look often associated with other anti wrinkle treatments. It’s recommended a course of 3 treatments to get maximum and long lasting results and the efficacy grows over time. 


Course of 2 treatments only £200. Course of 4 treatments only £350 

£30 deposit required to book.

Jalupro anti wrinkle treatment
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